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Spooky sex storyteller DATE returns to J18 Publishing with yet another tankoubon, Reincarnation! Your body and mind are forfeit as you enter the pages of these twisted tales… but if that’s the kind of thrill you’re seeking, read on!

In the eponymous story “Reincarnation: Dark Memories”, Chiyoda Airi begins to have disturbing memories that aren’t her own! Shocking images of women beaten, choked, and brutally murdered swim before her eyes… the very images witnessed by serial killer Oshikiri Makoto, killed in a shootout with Airi’s own father! As more and more of Makoto’s memories rise to the surface, Airi becomes more and more cruel, sadistic, and vengeful… and more than anything, eager to take advantage of the pleasures only a high school girl’s body can provide!

But there’s more: in “Ogre”, a mysterious man-eating beast threatens to assimilate an entire kingdom! Ogres are violent, man-eating monsters with the ability to take on the shape of any person they eat, and can even absorb their memories from life. First to fall is a lowly gatekeeper charmed by the body of a village girl, but a powerful sorceress soon follows… and as more and more powerful citizens of the kingdom fall prey to the ogre and its swiftly-multiplying offspring, no human—male or female—is safe from its clutches!

DATE and J18 Publishing are shivering (with anticipation) as they present this special English edition of Reincarnation. Presented in the original A5 format and featuring fully translated dialogue and SFX, this English release preserves everything you loved about the Japanese version… except now, you can appreciate DATE’s artwork without a single black bar of censorship! It doesn’t matter if the urge to buy this tankoubon is yours, or someone else’s—get your copy today!

Specification Description
Publisher J18
Artist DATE
Pages 188
Print Size A5
Language English
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